The purpose of this call is to disseminate articles that cover "production" as an element of dissertation and analysis in the transdisciplinary fields of family studies, theological research, human and social sciences, educational sciences, engineering sciences, and sciences. administrative and economic. This number seeks to understand the ways of constructing the problem, the practices and logics from the social realities in communities, companies and sectors. The magazine Hojas & Hablas raises the occasion to promote new places of enunciation to open the door to the critical study of the concept of production, in the face of current crises; the different forms of violence; social inequalities; economic; policies; environmental and spiritual where the socio-critical approach is oriented to the service of people, family and society, recognizing diversity and favoring inclusion (Unimonserrate, 2020).

Line of the call: Production in Science

The sciences from its various aspects have been concerned with establishing production processes and improvement actions to show results in response to the dynamics of capitalist performance. Rifkin quoted by Collado (2016) raises the zero marginal cost society, in this aspect, theorizes about the innovations present in the third industrial revolution, today already a historical milestone that has been left behind with the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI). ) or the so-called Industrial Revolution 4.0.

In this issue, the magazine Hojas & Hablas opens its call to receive contributions where the different sciences contribute on the causal relationships, impacts and transversality of the concept of production. It is expected to find a point where the human and social sciences, the administrative and economic sciences, and the engineering sciences converge between the academic and educational dynamics in the face of the production.

In the call, original and unpublished articles, the result of research or in the process of research, will be accepted; of reflexion; review; case studies and book reviews.