Marriage, repudiation, celibacy (Mk 10,1-12; Mt 19,1-12)

  • Hugo Orlando Martínez Aldana, Doctor Fundación Universitaria Monserrate - Unimonserrate
Keywords: Repudiation. Celibacy. Gospel. Interpretation Church.


The principal objective of this paper is the exegeticaltheological study of the biblical passage Mc 10,1-12 and its parallel Mt 19,1-12, emphasizing topics of marriage, repudiation and celibate. Throughout this paper it is sought to dialogue with other authors that had studied these same topics with the intent of identifying and proposing new interpretative currents of this passages which have their own importance in the current context. The interpretation of marriage given by Jesus resumes to his source and origin (since creation); and in this way, he eliminates any possibility of disbanding what God has united. On the other hand, Jesus’ saying about eunuchs is analyzed with the purpose of verifying if those words are a biblical foundation to argue the origin of celibacy in Church, or whether it is necessary to find a justification from a different approach.


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How to Cite
Martínez AldanaH. O. (2017). Marriage, repudiation, celibacy (Mk 10,1-12; Mt 19,1-12). Revista Hojas Y Hablas, (14), 12-27.