Practical fundamental theology. A proposal from Johann Baptist Metz

  • Edwin Raúl Vanegas Cuervo Fundación Universitaria Monserrate - Unimonserrate
Keywords: Fundamental theology. Memory. Narration. Praxis. Secularization. Solidarity.


The German theologian Johan Baptist Metz directs his reflection towards the practical character of theology and Christian life. In the way of his proposal, Metz sets out the valuation of the fundamental categories of this new theology: memory, narration and praxis. These categories will outline the new conditions of the discourse on God and the attitudes of the theologian who wants to face his own reflection to the pressing conditions of the secularized society and to the privatization of the Christian experience. It is not possible to understand theology enclosed within it self or without selfcriticism
capacity, since within its deepest structure is not private but public. The dangerous memory of the suffering and death of Christ is the center of this new practical fundamental theology, and it must find in the narration and praxis of universal solidarity the means to influence the stage of the contemporary history. For
achieving this task, the theologian strains for sharpening his attitudes of criticism, dialogue and praxis.


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How to Cite
Vanegas CuervoE. R. (2017). Practical fundamental theology. A proposal from Johann Baptist Metz. Revista Hojas Y Hablas, (14), 28-40.