Post conflict guidelines for rural education in the framework of peace agreement - Colombia 2016

  • Luis Daniel Vargas Sánchez, Mg. Universidad de Cartagena
Keywords: Peace Agreement. Rural education. Territorial approach. Social development.


After more than fifty years of armed confrontation, the Government of Colombia and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-FARC, after a long peace process, signed “The Final Agreement for the Completion of Conflict and the Construction of a Peace Stable and Durable “(2016), here it is pointed out that National Plans promoted by the State should be established for the provision of several essential public services, including education, a process analyzed in the research which is systematized in this paper. Thus, in the socio-economic context of the Caribbean Region and the Nation, indicators of poverty, unemployment, income generation, human capital, illiteracy, coverage and educational quality are analyzed, as opposed to the normative conceptions of Rural Education and the different Flexible education models implemented in the rural sector. Finally, the development of ICT Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) goods and services in educational establishments and their impact on rural education are analized, ending with recommendations based on research and administrative experiences.


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How to Cite
Vargas SánchezL. D. (2017). Post conflict guidelines for rural education in the framework of peace agreement - Colombia 2016. Revista Hojas Y Hablas, (14), 123-130.