Transnational Migration and its Impact on Parenting Patterns

  • María Constanza Gutiérrez Aldana, Mg. Fundación Universitaria Monserrate - Unimonserrate
Keywords: Family role. Migration. Relationships. Authority and breeding patterns.


This paper presents the results of the research Affective and economic implications of the transnational migrant and his or her family. As a general objective, it was proposed to identify the aspects that affect the family systems as well as its changes in relation to affective relationships, economic situation of the migrant and his or her family. Specific objectives were: 1. To make a comparison between the economic situation of the migrant and his or her family before and after migration. 2. To identify emotional relationships between the migrant and his or her family before and during the migration; and 3. To identify the functioning of family dynamics: (roles and functions) between the migrant and his or her family before and during the migration.
The research focused on the phenomenological - hermeneutic paradigm. Semi-structured interview and survey were used for the collection of data, 16 families were interviewed, the father or mother who had migrated, in a time not less than one year and a member of the family residing in Colombia. The survey applied to the migrant is related to the socio-economic aspect. With regard to norms and parenting patterns, when the father is who migrates, changes in authority, decision making, paternal role and handling money arise, and these functions are are assumed by the mother who is left in charged of the children.


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How to Cite
Gutiérrez AldanaM. C. (2017). Transnational Migration and its Impact on Parenting Patterns. Revista Hojas Y Hablas, (14), 167-180.