Colombian chair of peace: constructive criticism to the incomplete anagram

  • Rafael Guillermo Pizarro Yepes Fundación Universitaria Monserrate - Unimonserrate
Keywords: Education; Chair of Peace; Syllabus; Peace; Methodology; Pedagogy for peace.


With pleasure, and uncertainty at the same time, the news of the promulgation of the Law 1732 of September 1st 2014, was received, by which “the Chair of Peace” was established in all the educational institutions of the country, however, approaching its fourth anniversary, the magnitude of the subjects, the lack of knowledge and improvisation have complicated its orientation.
In a country so instructed in war, it is evidently normal that Peace has been difficult to teach, however, this will not be an enigma impossible to solve. Although since 2016 the Colombian Institute for the Evaluation of Education (ICFES) assesses the chair of peace with SABER 11 test, in Social Studies and Citizenship test, as regulated by decree 1038 of 2015, it is still peremptory to
elucidate the syllabus, the methodology, the target population and the teacher’s training at institutions.


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How to Cite
Pizarro YepesR. G. (2018). Colombian chair of peace: constructive criticism to the incomplete anagram. Revista Hojas Y Hablas, (15), 34-48.