Meaningful experiences of Education in Emergency

  • Gustavo Antonio Zuluaga Trujillo Institución Educativa José Cayetano Vásquez de Ciénaga
Keywords: School; Internal Armed Con$ ict; Emer- gency Education; Human Rights; Meaningful Expe- riences of Emergency Education., School; Internal Armed Conflict; Emergency Educaction., School; Conflict; Education.


For more than sixty years, Colombia has experienced violence, including an internal armed conflict. In the context of this conflict, the lives of many children and adolescents can change from a state of normalcy to one of ruin, disorder, desolation, orphanage, anguish and, in many cases, suffer displacement and / or forced recruitment. In this emergency context, the state’s inability to provide security and at the same time restore rights to the most vulnerable sectors of the population has been demonstrated, as well as the disrespect of specific places that, according to International Humanitarian Law, should not be part of conflicts because they are places to safeguard the right to life. The school and its members are not oblivious to these situations, however, it can be a possible scenario to rehabilitate the social fabric, restore hope, teach how to survive and restore rights. In emergency situations mediated by armed conflict the State must guarantee the restoration of rights, including the education of girls, boys and adolescents. The intention of the article is to present the progress of an investigation regarding the pedagogical and didactic actions of teachers who have turned their work into meaningful experiences of emergency education, with which social reconstruction, recovery and the exercise of Human Rights are promoted because education helps to transform lives.


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How to Cite
Zuluaga TrujilloG. A. (2018). Meaningful experiences of Education in Emergency. Revista Hojas Y Hablas, (15), 49-65.