Endomarketing: a tool for integration of internal customer with the organizational strategy

  • Lina Cristina Villa Gil Banco W
  • Darling Nathali Gómez Ospina Uniminuto Sur Bogotá
Keywords: Marketing; Endomarketing; Organizational Strategy; Human resource.


For years it was thought that the client was only an external agent, the target of a product or service, but it has been noted that customers exist both within and outside the company, that is when speaking about the internal customer, in such a way that the concern to maintain and develop the condition of the external customer is worded at the same level of the internal one, since human resource is the most valuable asset of any organization and therefore this asset should be maintained in order to avoid the high staff turnover.
Due to the sta' turnover is a sensitive issue for any organization, this article presents the Endomarketing as a management tool for organization that helps to integrate in its structure, strategies to develop and maintain the internal customer, such that context, importance, beneffits and difficulties are analyzed in order to develop a strategy addressed toward the internal customer within the organization.


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How to Cite
Villa GilL. C., & Gómez OspinaD. N. (2018). Endomarketing: a tool for integration of internal customer with the organizational strategy. Revista Hojas Y Hablas, (15), 143-156. https://doi.org/10.29151/hojasyhablas.n15a9