
  • Uriel Ignacio Espitia Vásquez


Considering the Informe de la Convocatoria para la Indexación de Revistas Cientí#cas Colombianas Especializadas – Publindex (Call 768 of 2016) which aims to adjust the standards of scientific and editorial quality and to increase the impact of national scientific publications, Hojas y Hablas Journal continues improving its editorial management to meet the new criteria defined by Colciencias with a view to participating in the next Calls.
The Boards of the university with the research director and the university press have decided that the journal goes from publishing an annual issue to be a biannual journal, and to specialize its content in monographic topics related to Social Studies, as advised by Colciencias Board of directors, about the classification of multidisciplinary journals within the international standard of Science and Technology Areas, defined by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) based on the Frascati Manual classification.
Therefore, this issue of Hojas y Hablas Journal o%ers to readers a first set of seven articles organized in a section related to pedagogy and post-conflict, the first three papers focus on this problematic. The fisrt paper describes the dynamics of peace, demobilization and disarmament through an analysis of the state of research on the processes of armed groups outside the law demobilization during the period (2006-2016); a second paper outlines possible criticisms and recommendations to the directives derived from Law 1732/ 2014 that established the chair of peace in all the educational institutions of the country; and a third article, presents the advances of a research on the pedagogical and didactic actions of some meaningful education experiences in situations of humanitarian emergency due to the internal armed conflict, with which social reconstruction, social rebirth, and the exercise of Human Rights are promoted.
On the other hand, a documentary review article analyzes the structural violence derived from the application of Milton Friedman’s ideas on education during the Augusto Pinochet regime, initially with the 1981 reform, and then with the Organic Constitutional Law of Education (LOCE), which transformed the education from a social wellbeing to a consumer good, inaugurating a neoliberal governmental model that served as a horizon for the rest of the Latin American region. Another writer reports, on a case study, on the perceptions of young o%enders regarding the school con&ict and the vicissitudes of coexistence within an institution that focuses on the education and reeducation. Exclusively related to the educational issue, the conclusions of a qualitative study on the role of personal resources and support networks of a group of students at Universidad Católica de Pereira, during their period of adaptation to the university context are presented, along with possible institutional accompaniment and intervention routes; three writers describe the conclusions of a process of systematization and reflection of pedagogical and social practices of the Bachelor in Child Pedagogy at Universidad Libre as part of the curricular revision processes of this academic program.
Finally, in the new section Otras Miradas, two reflection articles from the area of administrative and economic sciences invite, on the one hand, to learn how to differentiate urgent from important matters concerning business organization strategic objectives, and on the other, to consider internal marketing within the philosophy of treating employees as customers as part of the holistic marketing that every organization must develop.
Uriel Ignacio Espitia Vásquez
Professor and Researcher
School of Education Unimonserrate

How to Cite
Espitia VásquezU. I. (2018). Editorial. Revista Hojas Y Hablas, (15), 7-10. Retrieved from https://revistas.unimonserrate.edu.co/hojasyhablas/article/view/160

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