Systematization of early childhoods. Documentary analysis of the preschool education program of the Education School of Fundación Universitaria Monserrate - Unimonserrate

  • Diana Milena Trujillo Mahecha Fundación Universitaria Monserrate - Unimonserrate
Keywords: Infant education; Childhood; Systematization.


The school of education of the Fundación Universitaria Monserrate - Unimonserrate, as a training agent for teachers, has generated various spaces for reflection and training that seek to assume a critical role in this work. This systematization work aimed to recover, organize, analyze and reflect on the written productions of the preschool education degree program, to identify the constructions that have been carried out around childhood and early childhood education in teacher training. We responded to the need to account for the dynamics and pedagogical  experiences that have been building during the last four years in the program. Starting from the heuristic possibility that experience has as a motivator of new questions and cognitive achievements that provide scientific knowledge for the construction of new knowledge. Identify the ways of doing, the mediations of the teacher, the conceptions of childhood and childhood development, made it possible to visualize the reality of the educational action in this cycle and propose other meanings to the practices and the pedagogical scenarios in which the childhood, transit, they live and live.


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How to Cite
Trujillo MahechaD. M. (2018). Systematization of early childhoods. Documentary analysis of the preschool education program of the Education School of Fundación Universitaria Monserrate - Unimonserrate. Revista Hojas Y Hablas, (16), 75-83.