
  • Luis Alberto Arias Barrero Fundación Universitaria Monserrate - Unimonserrate



In accordance with the philosophy and social responsability of Fundación Universitaria Monserrate - Unimonserrate as a higher education institution, it contributes to the socialization of its researchers’ knowledge production as well as of other reasearchers from national and international academic institutions. Responding to this purpose, readers can find Hojas y Hablas Journal edition No.16 corresponding to the second semester of the year 2018.

The first session of this issue consists of five articles related to the social and educational fields. The first one, presents a reflection on the childhoods of migrant families from vulnerabilities approach, identifies the scope and limitations of this analytical perspective, and proposes the undertandig of migrations from the intersectionality approach,  rights approach and the right to education; the second paper explains how the items and categories constructed for the study of attitudes of  biology teachers allow to determine their attitudes towards teaching practices; the third, exposes the importance of coaching as a methodological strategy to enhance the learning processes in students of high school Education.

The last two articles of this first section, correspond to research experiences carried out at Unimonserrate; the first experience, developed by School of Education researchers, presents the dynamics and pedagogical experiences built on childhood and early childhood education in the Preschool Education Program, during the last four years. It is a document that offers theoretical and epistemological reflections on the reason of being a teacher in Colombia. The second article presents the results of a research developed at the School of Human and Social Studies, shows the social impact of seven SEAB (Archdiocesan Educational System of Bogotá) schools in Rafael Uribe Uribe locality in Bogotá. The researchers present how, through Catholic Christian philosophy, schools contribute significantly to the formation of students' human and social capital. A 6th article presents a reflection on national and international regulations on the inclusion of people with functional diversity in higher education, a call to universities to assume their commitment in the formation of this population.  

In the section Otras Miradas, three articles are presented: one related to the educational field, which highlights the need to move from the conception of human rights to a conception of human rights schools. The following one establishes the relationship between Spanish fascism during the 30th decade of the 20th century and the bipartisan violence developed in Colombia in the middle of the same century. The authors present how the phenomenon of fascism is articulated with other conditioning factors of the Colombian socioeconomic and political structure. The last article describes the psychosocial practices and characteristics of male sexual workers of different strata in Bogotá.

Finally, we are pleased to inform the national and international academic community that Hojas y Hablas Journal has been accepted in DIALNET bibliographic portal, which aims to highlight Hispanic scientific production journals related to human, legal and Social Sciences.

Luis Alberto Arias Barrero


Professor-reasearcher Escuela de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales

How to Cite
Arias BarreroL. A. (2018). Editorial. Revista Hojas Y Hablas, (16), 7-8. Retrieved from https://revistas.unimonserrate.edu.co/hojasyhablas/article/view/181