Reflections on the qualitative research process: a work experience about the empowerment of women and the armed conflict
The purpose of this article is to present some of the analyzes derived from the research experience carried out during the years 2016 and 2017, within the framework of a research project entitled: "Processes of redefining the female social role, in light of gender ethics", in three regions of Colombia, with nine women's social organizations. On this occasion, and fundamentally with pedagogical objectives, we present some reflections that emerged within the framework of the investigative work, in three different moments: in retrospect, in the point of view on the two years that the research lasted and in prospective. The work, meant for the authors the encounter with unexpected situations and circumstances that demanded attention for a certain research plan, in search of recognition in the middle of complex situations of the participants; an exercise that led to an ethical questioning about the place of research, academia and civil society, given the complexities of Colombian social reality.
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