The Farianas Singing Narratives in the Colombian Armed Conflict

Keywords: Singing narratives, Armed conflict, Identities and interactions, FARC-EP


This article describes some results of the research "Incidence of Singing Narratives of the Colombian armed conflict in the identity construction from FARC-EP actors” leaded by Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios and carried out by the research team Sung Narratives and Decolonization in the Territorial Training and Reincorporation Spaces (ETCR in spanish) of Vigía del Fuerte in Antioquia and Pondores in La Guajira. This is a study makes about the musical production of Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC-EP) and its members: Cristian Pérez, Lucas Iguarán and Julián Conrado. According to that production, aspects such as the meanings of their dynamics were revealed, at the same time that the sense of practices and interactions between members of the armed group with the civilian population, as well as the relationship with environment and nature. It is important to clarify that our research is already in process and one of the starting points have been the Singing Narratives as a category of analysis, which is in permanent construction and is based on clarities that we have obtained from where we start for the analysis of the Colombian armed conflict narratives. 


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How to Cite
Rosanna Martínez Gil, Jorge Enrique Ramírez Calvo, & Francisco de Asís Perea Mosquera. (2019). The Farianas Singing Narratives in the Colombian Armed Conflict. Revista Hojas Y Hablas, (17), 74-85.