Between human and folded bodies: Examples of affection and care in Bogotá

Keywords: Origami, objects, materiality, bodies, affection, care


The objective of the exercise was to understand the affective relationships between origami folds that have been taken care by participants for a significant amount of time. From a post humanism perspective, the material life of objects served as the theoretical approach; and the research with objects as the methodological framework, selecting in Bogotá four pairs of folds and their caretakers for photographic records and filmed interviews in the places where the folds are. As a reflective component, the author and his fold also participated as a pair. Regarding the finishing statement, some forms of the fold-caretaker relationship (paternities, pacts, forgiveness, returns, and immaterialities) were presented based on the exercise, along with three proposals for future inquiry: to get to know other possible configurations between human and folded bodies, to study in greater depth the forms of relating between origamists and folds, and to study materially the link between creator, first fold, and what is called a "model" in origami.


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How to Cite
Gerardo Gacharná Ramírez. (2020). Between human and folded bodies: Examples of affection and care in Bogotá. Revista Hojas Y Hablas, (20), 132-143.