The way as fact and metaphor. Biblical and extra biblical context

Keywords: Way, archeology, Bible, culture, semantics


This paper constitutes the first product of the research project: “The way in the Bible: presence and perspective”, which focus on the question How to enrich the analysis of the biblical passages around the semantic field of the way, from a historical and social perspective that permits them to find their context? The writing concludes saying what are the common features of the road in ancient civilizations and their relationship with the biblical text: the roads emerge parallel to the courses or water basins, the importance of religious centers, the division into social classes and the specialization of Arts and crafts. The birth of the roads was also highlighted in response to the transportation needs and the importance of the historical panorama for the correct understanding of the texts conceived there.


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How to Cite
UnimonserrateE. U., & Wilton Gerardo Sánchez Castelblanco. (2020). The way as fact and metaphor. Biblical and extra biblical context. Revista Hojas Y Hablas, (20), 70-83.