The Syrophoenician woman and the woman “daughter of Abrahan”. Faith and perseverance examples, among an excluding world

Keywords: faith, identity, exclusion, foreign woman, Jewish woman


In a society such as the Jewish with a patriarchal character, it is not strange to see that the stories referring to women may show features of exclusion from this referential group. This is partly because these types of primitive societies are under external pressures that if any issue is not in accordance with their laws, it will be potentially against them. As we address the stories of the Syrophoenician woman, exposed in Mark´s Gospel (7, 24-30), and the crippled woman presented in Luke´s Gospel (13,10-17), from an hermeneutic-theological approach and the contribution of cultural anthropology to both stories, it will allow us to find out how these two women become example of faith and perseverance, although they are excluded by the same reference group according to their different origin: a foreigner and a Jewish.


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How to Cite
UnimonserrateE. U. (2020). The Syrophoenician woman and the woman “daughter of Abrahan”. Faith and perseverance examples, among an excluding world. Revista Hojas Y Hablas, (20), 144-153.