Spiritual and social situation: basis for building a life project in adolescence

  • Tania Julieta Santacruz Andrade University Santo Tomas
Keywords: Life project, spirituality, adolescence, identity



The following investigation refers to the respectful reflection that every person lives in a constant search for the meaning of their existence. Adolescence can be a stage of great challenges, but the changes that occur in it lead the young person to make decisions and plan or not for an encouraging future. The human being is the only creature capable of projecting that future, but in today's society his personal development has been affected more than ever, since the human values ​​emanating from spirituality have been relegated to the background, since it prevails over them. a consumer society that confuses their true desires. His some of the aspects that have been reflected in the approach with the young people of the Municipal Educational Pedagogical Institution (IEMP) of the city of Pasto, which evidenced in the pedagogical practices, in some cases, the spiritual gaps and the ignorance if the themselves and consequently the desolation before the circumstances of life, all sober in the context of the institution, which is located in a site of high vulnerability. From the analysis and the conceptual proposal, the need to generate spaces for spiritual accompaniment to face these deficiencies and gaps is evident. It makes visible in young people the need for a misunderstanding of their life project in relation to spirituality and the door that can accelerate Religious Education, in order to channel a better quality of life for students.


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How to Cite
Santacruz AndradeT. J. (2022). Spiritual and social situation: basis for building a life project in adolescence. Revista Hojas Y Hablas, (23). Retrieved from https://revistas.unimonserrate.edu.co/hojasyhablas/article/view/330