Development problems and alternative proposals: approaches to the concepts of consumption and decrease sumak kawsay (good living)

  • Diana Marcela Díaz Ariza, Mg. Fundacion Universitaria Monserrate
  • María Luisa Eschenhagen Durán, Phd Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
Keywords: development, alternatives to development, downturn, sumak kawsay consumption.


This article presents the results of the research Problems of Development and Alternative Proposals: approximations to the conceptions of consumption in the downturn and sumak kawsay (good living), developed between February 2010 and May 2012, as degree work the Master in Research of Contemporary Social Problems at Universidad Central. It was a theoretical research from hermeneutics to understand and interpret the meaning of texts in different contexts and approaches. Thus, the born of Development discourse during the post-II World, understood from Foucault’s idea of discourse that originates practices, norms and institutions. In this speech, as language is economic, one of the central concepts is consumption as it stimulates economic growth. Among the negative consequences development has had (increase and consolidation of poverty, exclusion and social inequities, among others) stands out the sharpening of environmental problems generated by economic growth. In this context, proposals called alternatives to development arise with the purpose of contributing in solving the problems caused by development. Retaking two of them, downturn and sumak kawsay, it is intended to reach an interpretation of consumption concept and the notion of need to analyze them in light of environmental thought, looking for coherence in discourse, as well as to show whether it is possible to think of worlds different to that proposed by development.

Author Biographies

Diana Marcela Díaz Ariza, Mg., Fundacion Universitaria Monserrate

Docente investigadora de los programas de Administración de Empresas y Gestión Ambiental y, Finanzas y Negocios Internacionales de la Fundación Universitaria Monserrate. Magister en Investigación de Problemas Sociales Contemporáneos, Especialista en Pedagogía Grupal, Economista de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

María Luisa Eschenhagen Durán, Phd, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Profesora investigadora de la maestría en desarrollo y el doctorado en ciencias sociales de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Grupo Territorio. Phd en Estudios Latinoamericanos UNAM.


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How to Cite
Díaz ArizaD. M., & Eschenhagen DuránM. L. (2016). Development problems and alternative proposals: approaches to the concepts of consumption and decrease sumak kawsay (good living). Revista Hojas Y Hablas, (9), 37-46. Retrieved from