Prospective responsibility based on antecedents in the context of a pandemic

  • José Luis Esparza Guerrero
Keywords: Prospective responsibility, Background, Pandemic


With the dizzying advance of civilization, threats to national interests are permanent, but they also change and change. Since the end of the Cold War, they are observed from the traditional sphere of human threats, more easily detectable. The natural ones, being more uncertain and less controllable, are considered to a greater or lesser extent depending on the country. Let us remember in passing that a long time ago we waged war on Nature. For the defense and security of nations, it becomes a priority to anticipate possible risks in order to make decisions at the highest level of a State in order to prevent, avoid, divert, dissuade, alert, neutralize or adhere to them.

In the panorama of the American continent, threats are considered consistent with the new current concepts of multidimensional security (OAS), human security (UN), comprehensive security (OSCE and ASEAN) and sustainable security (USA) (Astudillo, 2013). ). Multidimensional security is introduced as a regional security design, which determines the new threats and challenges of hemispheric security concerning political, economic, social, health and environmental aspects, which represent a threat to the security of States and the revitalization of the inter-American system (Celi, 2015).

All this is achieved only with an intelligence based on excellence, diligence, commitment, vision and action. Intelligence services are, today, actors of singular importance in the midst of dilemmas, confrontations, levels of cooperation in the international system, its relations and the internal order of nations. Therefore, since EI is at the level of political leaders, it should focus on all fields, connecting with all State entities and academic and research institutions so as not to become bureaucratic. Finally, the intelligence cycle is nothing more than a method and therefore it is not difficult to join.


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How to Cite
José Luis Esparza Guerrero. (2022). Prospective responsibility based on antecedents in the context of a pandemic. Revista Hojas Y Hablas, (22). Retrieved from