Didactic strategies to strengthen the literacy process in children at the preschool level

  • Vanessa Tatiana Quintero Meneses Iberoamerican University Corporation
Keywords: Reading, writing, teaching strategies, preschool


The infant who is in the last year of preschool has an age that fluctuates between four and six years, they are in the middle of the stage that Piaget called preoperative, because at that moment the mental representation begins. The present investigation is divided into four chapters, the first states that the process developed at the preschool level in the educational institution Instituto Técnico Superior Industrial, Escuela Santa Ana, in the district of Barrancabermeja, evidences the absence of pedagogical practices where meaningful learning is promoted. . The objective of the research seeks to promote the development of didactic strategies in order to enrich and strengthen the reading and writing processes in children at the preschool level.

This research is focused on the qualitative approach because it facilitates the collection of information to analyze and understand the situation to be studied, from an epistemological perspective of research oriented towards critical social research, delimited as an action-research project because it brings together a wide range of strategies carried out in favor of improving the educational and social system. After developing the objectives, it is concluded that the strategies based on the reading of stories contributed to the development of oral and written expression that are fundamental in the formation of communicative competences. The possibility of verifying the learning, achievements and shortcomings of the children in the formative fields was the basis for planning and designing activities according to the learning needs and the context of the children of this educational community.


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How to Cite
Vanessa Tatiana Quintero Meneses. (2022). Didactic strategies to strengthen the literacy process in children at the preschool level. Revista Hojas Y Hablas, (23). Retrieved from https://revistas.unimonserrate.edu.co/hojasyhablas/article/view/350