Human Resource Management, UN challenge of Professional Social Work
This article presents the results and conclusions of the research The Social Worker.s Professional Action in the Management of Human Talent, coducted from the reflections of a seed bed research group of Labor Social Work - SILATS, at Fundacion Universitaria Monserrate , between 2011 and the first half of 2012, its objective was to describe the professional action of social workers in the area of talent management at the organizational level. The concepts related to human talent management, macro trends of human talent and working skills in human talent, the social worker.s professional activity, as well as the objectives and methodological procedures of this field were taken as reference. A mixed study was conducted with survey and structured interview as techniques. From the interpretation of the results, it was found that the Social Worker is challenged to identify the talents of the people in the organization, so that these talents are developed in its employees and, in turn, they become organizational and personal development of employees, in order to obtain optimal work environments.
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