Meaning of the social intervention from the professional action of the social workers

  • Sandro Leonardo Munevar Vargas, Mg. Fundación Universitaria Monserrate
  • Nubia Patricia Bolívar Sánchez, Mg. Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Keywords: social intervention, social worker, henomenology, lived experience, meanings.


Understand the meaning that social workers give to the professional action wide undoubtedly the vision of what is Social Work, based on this and following Schütz-approach the subjective experience of professionals from a phenomenological methodology that experience privileges the lived experience and meanings that are built into it is addressing in this paper. Reflecting on the event lived allows understand the reasons, motives and ultimately the meanings of the practice; subject of the investigation, whose key findings are discussed in this paper, starting from this, the methodological strategy was the conversation with the professional through an unstructured interview that allows the reflection of what is professional intervention, then, based on some phenomenology postulates a discourse analysis was performed. The meaning of the social intervention is enriched by the live experiences of the Social Worker, from the meaning attitudes of understanding of reality and intervention in it are configured, the social workers who have experienced situations of strong significance in personal life develop a re-significance of the Social Intervention, which converge other elements such as conceptual academic, as well as the employment context.

Author Biographies

Sandro Leonardo Munevar Vargas, Mg., Fundación Universitaria Monserrate

Docente Investigador Unimonserrate. Estudiante Doctorado en Comunicación. Magister en Educación. Especialista en Educación. Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación, Licenciado en Filosofía e Historia.

Nubia Patricia Bolívar Sánchez, Mg., Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Docente Investigadora Unimonserrate, Docente Universidad Nacional. Magister en Trabajo Social con Énfasis en Familia y Redes Sociales, Trabajadora Social.


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How to Cite
Munevar VargasS. L., & Bolívar SánchezN. P. (2016). Meaning of the social intervention from the professional action of the social workers. Revista Hojas Y Hablas, (12), 174-189. Retrieved from