Narration political subjects and social sciences. two pedagogical training experiences and meeting

  • Gleydi García Leal
  • Hern´án Rodríguez Vargas
Keywords: Narrative, political subjects, social sciences, pedagogy.


From two narrative experiences related to the human life and a single one, which crosses all social sciences: the existence and the formation of political subjects. This paper argues in relation to the exercise to tell (make story time) through concrete ways of encounters. In the first case with youth separated from illegal group FARC-EP and, in the second case, with students in eleventh grade of Ciudad Bolivar school. It’s possible to achieve favorable educational spaces when they have the possibility to tell, share and listen their own story. All of these help for the identification and the building of political subjects, which look for building a human life more dignified in the social context of Colombia.

Author Biography

Gleydi García Leal

From two narrative experiences related to the human life and a single one, which crosses all social sciences: the ex-
istence and the formation of political subjects. &is paper argues in relation to the exercise to tell (make story time)
through concrete ways of encounters. In the $rst case with youth separated from illegal group FARC-EP and, in the
second case, with students in eleventh grade of Ciudad Bolivar school. It’s possible to achieve favorable educational
spaces when they have the possibility to tell, share and listen their own story. All of these help for the identi$cation
and the building of political subjects, which look for building a human life more digni$ed in the social context of


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How to Cite
García LealG., & Rodríguez VargasH. (2016). Narration political subjects and social sciences. two pedagogical training experiences and meeting. Revista Hojas Y Hablas, (13), 73-83. Retrieved from