State of the art about peace: conceptual discussions and Co- lombian scienti#c production (2000-2015) associated with peace-territory and peace-development: a bet from research to action and decision-making - IAD

  • Rolando Arroyo Caicedo
  • Daniel Hurtado Cano
  • Claudia Isabel Aguirre Jaramillo
  • Carlos Julio Fadul Vásquez
Keywords: Peace, territory, development, state of the art.


Purpose: This article emphasizes on the peace category, includes the forms how the concept has been understood in its multiple forms, supported by analysis of the scienti%c production in Colombia. Methodology: The State of the art, in both methodology of investigation (documentary), served as sustenance for its realization and the search for relationships with the territory and development categories. Findings: a) in recognition of the peace theories approaches were distinguished from: peace and not war, peace as a dynamic equilibrium of forces, negative peace
and positive peace, feminist peace, holistic peace, inner and outer peace and education for peace. (b) an analysis of the productions on the peace in relation to the concept of territory showed that social and economic equity and the redistribution of wealth are invisible elements in the discourse of development and territorial planning. Conclusions: a) the structural violence a/ects the territorial development and manifests itself through phenomena such as internal displacement, the territorial dispute and the e/ect on the environment; (b) is considered the possibility of
peace in conceiving the actors territorial as builders of peace, developing strategies for peace from below upwards, as well as education and communication and; (c) the relationship between peace and development was highlighted in the utility of peace for the promotion of the potential of the human being and for the construction of citizenship with capacity for the exercise.


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How to Cite
Arroyo CaicedoR., Hurtado CanoD., Aguirre JaramilloC. I., & Fadul VásquezC. J. (2016). State of the art about peace: conceptual discussions and Co- lombian scienti#c production (2000-2015) associated with peace-territory and peace-development: a bet from research to action and decision-making - IAD. Revista Hojas Y Hablas, (13), 85-96. Retrieved from