Contributions of critical interculturality to the teaching-learning process in the area of social sciences.

  • Diana Emir Perlaza Ramos perlaza ramos
  • Israel Arturo Orrego Echeverría
  • Karen Yisé Arboleda Valencia
  • Sandra Eugenia Riascos Garcés


The school community of the José Ramón Bejarano Educational Institution has been articulated in recent years to different strategies that allow the community / school connection to favor the relationships of the different human groups present in the school, for this reason the present investigative exercise seeks to identify the contributions of critical interculturality in the teaching-learning process in the area of ​​social sciences of the fifth grade, where the contributions of different thinkers who have ventured into the field of intercultural education were analyzed, on the other hand the realization of the characterization of the cultural environment and the analysis of the curricular structure in the teaching of social sciences in the fifth grade were a great reference for the construction of a design of pedagogical practice that can help to apply a pedagogical exercise that allows the realization of critical interculturality in fifth grade students.

The investigative exercise involved students, parents, and elementary school teachers from the educational community, José Ramón Bejarano. Observations, surveys and interviews were carried out, with the information collected in the field and documentary analysis, a proposal was left that consists of classroom projects that allow teachers to favor critical interculturality based on the recognition of the community environment and the mainstreaming of knowledge in the fifth grade students.


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How to Cite
perlaza ramosD. E. P. R., Israel Arturo Orrego Echeverría, Karen Yisé Arboleda Valencia, & Sandra Eugenia Riascos Garcés. (2021). Contributions of critical interculturality to the teaching-learning process in the area of social sciences. Revista Hojas Y Hablas, (21), 154-165.