Traditional games of the pacific coast

A playful-pedagogical proposal to channel aggressive behaviors.

  • Evelyn Tatiana Galindo Ardila Iberoamerican University Corporation
  • María del Carmen Cruz Angulo Iberoamerican University Corporation
  • Rosa Elena Diuza Iberoamerican University Corporation
  • María Cristina Velásquez Hernández Iberoamerican University Corporation
Keywords: Emotion, Aggressive Behavior, Traditional, Playful Game, Coexistence,., Emotion, Aggressive behavior, Traditional game, Playful, Coexistence


Aggressive behaviors in children are an educational, sociocultural and pedagogical problem present in the daily lives of students. These behaviors are an alarm in the environment that affect their social, personal, family and school development, that is why the need arises to know in an accurate way about this issue, giving it the relevance it deserves; to create strategies that help reduce these behaviors in students. In this order of ideas, educational institutions should guide these situations so that coexistence, harmony and tranquility, are paths of life and no one gets hurt by wrong procedures.

Working from the strengthening of emotional intelligence, considered as the capacity to respond in certain circumstances, allows certain behaviors to be faced in a comprehensive way, so that they are transformed and contribute to the construction of the students' life project.

To respond to this problem, the research "Traditional games of the Pacific Coast, a playful pedagogical proposal, to channel aggressive behaviors in third grade students and migrant students of the Gerardo Valencia Cano Industrial Technical Educational Institution, Headquarters" is based. from an action research, which aims to generate changes in attitudes evidenced in students through teaching, praxis and enjoyment of traditional games, as a playful strategy where the practice of values, respect for norms, guidelines is developed creatively positive parenting and the enhancement of communication skills, which allow identifying routes to solve problem situations that arise in everyday life.


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How to Cite
Evelyn Tatiana Galindo ArdilaE. T. G. A., María del Carmen Cruz Angulo, Rosa Elena Diuza, & María Cristina Velásquez Hernández. (2021). Traditional games of the pacific coast. Revista Hojas Y Hablas, (21), 166-177.