Inclusive learning environments from multiple intelligences

  • Carmen Estela Violet Cárdenas
  • Sulma Luz Osorio Moreno
Keywords: Didactic strategies, learning environments, educational inclusion and multiple intelligences


The main objective of this research is the development of inclusive learning environments from multiple intelligences in the third grade of the El Poblado Educational Institution. For this, it takes Gardner's theory (1994) as the main category, since it states that the development of the capacities and abilities of each individual can be adapted and potentiated according to the environmental, social and cultural conditions that are available. It is developed from the qualitative approach and the Action Research methodology. It takes as a population the 21 students, 11 boys and 10 girls, of the third grade, whose ages range between 7 and 11 years. For the collection of information, the techniques and instruments were: observation, focus group and semi-structured interview. The analysis was carried out taking the spiral of cycles that Action Research proposes and complying with its phases: diagnosis, planning, action and reflection. The conclusion states that multiple intelligences are generators of inclusive learning environments, allowing the training of students of the present and future, strengthening collaborative and cooperative work from the motivation and training of teachers, families and their environment; Therefore, these constitute a component that allows the renewal of pedagogical and didactic practices, taking into account the individual characteristics and intellectual profiles of each of the students and favoring the construction of new knowledge and inclusive learning environments.



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How to Cite
Carmen Estela Violet Cárdenas, & Sulma Luz Osorio Moreno. (2021). Inclusive learning environments from multiple intelligences. Revista Hojas Y Hablas, (21), 20-34.