Youths at risk of living on the streets and their support networks – The experience from IDIPRON-UPI Perdomo - Bogotá

youths, social support networks, risk of living in the streets

  • Natalia Lara Vega N/a


This research analyzes the dynamics of the social support networks of youths at risk of living on the streets are analyzed through a qualitative study, using in-depth interviews and network map analysis, with a sample of 4 youths from IDIPRON – UPI Perdomo, who are at risk of living on the streets.

As main finding, all participants currently perceive IDIPRON as the context in which a principal social support network is circumscribed, which allows them to acquire knowledge to cope with their economic needs, and also provides them with a space to meet new people to increase their social support network. Furthermore, this research concluded that the youths at risk of living on the streets consider, in addition to IDIPRON, their families, religion, and marijuana use as providers of emotional, informative and material support.


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How to Cite
Natalia Lara Vega. (2021). Youths at risk of living on the streets and their support networks – The experience from IDIPRON-UPI Perdomo - Bogotá. Revista Hojas Y Hablas, (21), 90-104.