Beliefs about the game: constructions from context and experience

  • Diana Alexandra Ariza Vanegas, Mg. Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina
  • Johanna Marcela Sánchez Buitrago, Mg.
Keywords: Beliefs. Game. Teachers experience and context.


This article presents the research project: Beliefs about
the teacher’s game of teachers in training programs for
the initial education in Bogotá of the Bachelor’s Degree
in Early Childhood Education from Fundacion Universitaria
Unimonserrate and the Bachelor’s Degree
in Child Pedagogy from Universidad Javeriana, which
was carried out from a qualitative and from a hermeneutic
perspective, through the semi-structured interview
and the analysis of the institutional document
Course Plan. As a purpose it was set to understand the beliefs about game in the university environment and to promote an approach to this object of study, as a didactic possibility that must be explored by future teachers.
One of the main findings refers to the relationship of teachers’ beliefs with their experiences in the childhood stage, their professional training and the context in which they work.


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How to Cite
Ariza VanegasD. A., & Sánchez BuitragoJ. M. (2017). Beliefs about the game: constructions from context and experience. Revista Hojas Y Hablas, (14), 143-153.