The incidence of business intelligence in the management of furniture and wood companies in Bogotá D.C

Keywords: Furniture industry, information systems, business intelligence, decision making, competitiveness


In Colombia, the furniture and wood sector has maintai- ned a participation in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of 0.67% from 2012 to 2017 (Annual Manufacturing Survey, 2016), the growth of the national industry has stagnated in a market dynamic, therefore, this article shows the factors that a ect the development of the sector and its relationship with business intelligence in the management of companies. e study was based on a mixed approach, from the perception of the representatives of the sector, investigating the factors that a ect the lack of competitiveness and the analysis of use of technological tools in the management of entrepreneurs. e questionnaires and interviews were conducted at the XIV Feria Tecnológica e Industrial del Mueble y la Madera in the International Business and Exhibition Center of Bogotá (Corferias in Spanish) in 2018, in order to identify the varia- bles of competitiveness of companies, to know the manage- ment of business intelligence in the direction of micro and small businesses, and to identify the entities that promote the development of furniture and wood companies.


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How to Cite
Rocha AlfonsoA. (2019). The incidence of business intelligence in the management of furniture and wood companies in Bogotá D.C. Revista Hojas Y Hablas, (18), 112-126.