Human Scale Development and Economy of the Common Good: Fincomercio case study

Keywords: Human scale, common good, development, employees, Fincomercio


Companies play an important role in economic development, because they are carrying out activities related to the production of goods and services, in order to satisfy needs of the population, as well as to contribute to the economic growth. However, there are alternative theories that identify that such development cannot occur without taking into account the human component, showing how is possible to find the needs around the business area and to adopt deeper business practices to generate a sustainable development. This paper analyzes the result of human scale and economy of the common good methodologies that were applied by a credit cooperative (Fincomercio in Spanish), where the needs and satisfiers of employees, as value-creating agents of the organization, are identified and the contributions to the common good are evaluated, displaying strategies of development beyond traditional indicators.


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How to Cite
Díaz CruzP. C. (2019). Human Scale Development and Economy of the Common Good: Fincomercio case study. Revista Hojas Y Hablas, (18), 54-67.