Analysis of the organizational climate and culture in the Tabio Hospital case study

Keywords: Hospital management, organizational climate, organizational culture, human talent


The Nuestra Señora del Carmen Hospital is listed as a first level public hospital. Over the years, it has developed in infrastructure and technology and has been incorporating new specialties according to the needs of its users. Currently, the administrative organization has two types of staff; on the one hand, there are doctors, nurses, psychologists, stretchers, etc., and on the other hand, employees who provide support from the administrative areas, surveillance and general services. As a result, the institution has been presenting problems related to poor communication, loss of interest of its employees and lack of interest in human talent management programs, with negative consequences in the achievement of organizational objectives. This paper shows a review of Human Talent Management component for the Tabio Hospital, and within that analysis, carry out a climate and organizational culture study to identify the most preponderant problematic factors of the Hospital, and suggest improvement strategies. With the results of the analysis of organizational climate and culture, it was possible to demonstrate the factors that alter the work environment, the variables that generate discord among employees, and the keys to improve the work environment. Among the main conclusions, deficiencies in internal communication at the time of making strategic decision. Additionally, an unequal accounting system, resistance to change, and lack of job stability were identified.


Bonavida y Prado (2010). Adaptación al español del instrumento sobre cultura organizacional de Denison. SUMMA Psicológica UST.

Denison, D. R. y Neale, W. (2000). Denison Organizational Culture Survey. Ann Arbor: Denison Consulting.

How to Cite
FlórezL. D., & Mora VergaraE. A. (2019). Analysis of the organizational climate and culture in the Tabio Hospital case study. Revista Hojas Y Hablas, (18), 100-111.