Innovation in micro-enterprise entrepreneurships in Palmira, Valle del Cauca

Keywords: Innovation, company, economy, support, competitiveness


The economy in Colombia is based on micro-sized companies, which still make up 96.1 per cent of the total companies (DNP, 2006). Their main characteristic is to have a staff of less than 10 employees and, in many cases, their owners are self-employed by them. These enterprises could be classified as subsistence economies with good human qualities for the people who create them, but without competitiveness. The present research studies enterprises located in Palmira - Valle del Cauca, generating an approach to the current situation of micro business entrepreneurship. The information was collected through the support given by Escuela Nacional del Deporte University, helping the researchers to find aspects that they could not have identified in a survey or interviews. The objective was to identify the characteristics of microenterprise entrepreneurship and their influence in the process of innovation.


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How to Cite
David TenorioL. E., & Cruz GonzálezN. (2019). Innovation in micro-enterprise entrepreneurships in Palmira, Valle del Cauca. Revista Hojas Y Hablas, (18), 82-89.