Effective use of time in the classrooms of the new unique Day in Colombia.

  • Claudia Ovalle Ramírez Minutes of God University Corporation
Keywords: Classroom Observation with the Photo of Stallings, public policy of Full Day, Learning


The study provides an analysis of observations in 11 classrooms in 3 school institutions of the new Single Day with the Stallings Classroom methodology This analysis seeks to report on the effectiveness in the use of class time in the classroom and allows to conclude that on average Teachers spend most of the time (55.8% of the time of an hour class) in active training (read aloud, instruct, demonstrate, do master class) and only 1.5% of the time is dedicated to passive training (monitor work silently from students, monitor students as they copy from the board).


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How to Cite
Claudia Ovalle Ramírez. (2022). Effective use of time in the classrooms of the new unique Day in Colombia. Revista Hojas Y Hablas, (22). Retrieved from https://revistas.unimonserrate.edu.co/hojasyhablas/article/view/317