Emotional competencies in the Public Accounting degree, a correlational analysis

  • Alejandro Acevedo Amorocho GIA Research Group
  • Javier Alexander Román Ordoñez GIA Research Group
  • Valentina Celis Vega INDERCON research group
  • María Ana Martina Chía INDERCON research group
Keywords: Emotional intelligence, emotional competence, competence scale, professional education, program evaluation


One of the elements that are required to face the demands of the social and business fabric are emotional competencies, which is why it was decided to evaluate the level of appropriation within the Faculty of Public Accounting of the USTA of Bucaramanga, with which It had 100 students of the program who study in the different semesters. The investigative work is of a quantitative nature, and a descriptive-correlational non-experimental design, and it has been decided to use the Adult Emotional Development Questionnaire (CDE-A), designed by Pérez et al. (2010). The study allowed to review in five dimensions; Dimension 1 was able to define that the majority of students have a Medium classification level against Emotional Awareness; In Dimension 2, it was obtained that the majority of students have a Medium classification level in relation to Emotional Regulation; Dimension 3 data shows that the majority of students have a Medium classification level regarding Emotional Autonomy; Dimension 4 showed that most of the students have a Medium classification level against the Social Competences, finally Dimension 5 allows inferring that the majority of the students have a Medium classification level against the Competencies for Life and Well-being . The foregoing allows us to indicate that it is necessary to contemplate this dimension of competence in the training plans, adjusting teaching strategies that allow the development of this aspect in the training of professionals.


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How to Cite
Alejandro Acevedo Amorocho, Javier Alexander Román Ordoñez, Valentina Celis Vega, & María Ana Martina Chía. (2022). Emotional competencies in the Public Accounting degree, a correlational analysis. Revista Hojas Y Hablas, (23). Retrieved from https://revistas.unimonserrate.edu.co/hojasyhablas/article/view/341