Socio-educational policies and school dropout of students living in poverty

Case study in the town of San José de Urama in the Municipality of Dabeiba, Department of Antioquia, year-2022

  • Tailor Alonso Mosquera Dávila University Santo Tomas
Keywords: School dropout, Socio-educational policies, Material poverty


This study is an analysis of the influence of socio-educational policies regarding school dropout of students in poverty, carried out through a case study in the San José de Urama township in the Dabeiba municipality, Antioquia department. In the same way, the incidence of the situation of poverty in the transcendence of these policies regarding the abandonment of students from the educational system is interpreted. The study is qualitative, considering that a comprehensive interpretative exercise of the object of study was carried out. As a methodological tradition, the collective case study and the unstructured in-depth interview are implemented. A swarm of conclusions is reached, among which we can say that: There is a disconnection between the policies dispensed by the state and the style and life project of the communities (it is as if educational policies were sown in infertile soil), causing thus the student desertion.

Author Biography

Tailor Alonso Mosquera Dávila, University Santo Tomas

PhD in Education. USTA Postdoctoral Fellow. Practicing teacher.


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How to Cite
Tailor Alonso Mosquera Dávila. (2022). Socio-educational policies and school dropout of students living in poverty. Revista Hojas Y Hablas, (22). Retrieved from