Masculinidades disruptivas en la biblia: ¿Elementos para una teología LGBTQI+?

Carlos Regino Villalobos Espinosa

  • Editorial Universitaria Unimonserrate
Keywords: Bible, Masculinity, Feminist hermeneutic, Sexual Diversity, LGBTIQ Theology


This article is based on feminist hermeneutics to reinterpret masculinity in some texts in order to glimpse a possible theology of sexual diversity. As a methodological definition, the feminist hermeneutics that generated critical suspicion of the traditional hetero-patriarchal interpretation and gave way to diversified interpretations is presented. It describes how the sexual prohibition
acquired religious traits until it generated gender stereotypes; The same who were challenged in the definition of the Judeo-Christian divinity by attributing feminine and non-binary features to it. Subsequently, some disruptive masculinities are raised in the Bible, —Jacob, David and Jonathan, and the eunuchs in the Old Testament; and the centurion and his servant in Lucas, the man with the pitcher in Marcos and Paul's sexual abstentionism— to finally describe the contribution they generate for the possible development of an LGBTQI + theology.


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How to Cite
UnimonserrateE. U. (2023). Masculinidades disruptivas en la biblia: ¿Elementos para una teología LGBTQI+?. Revista Hojas Y Hablas, 1(24), 95-113. Retrieved from

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