Visual representations of knowledge in an e-learning environment

  • John Alexander Montero Rojas, Mg. Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
  • Sindy Paola Díaz Better, Mg. Secretaría de Educación del Distrito
  • Marisol Niño Ramos, Mg. Secretaría de Educación del Distrito
  • Cristian Fidel Rojas Montero, Mg. Multimedia Editorial San Pablo
Keywords: visual literacies, e-learning environment, knowledge representation, free software.


This article describes the main findings of the research process “Strengthening the ability of visual literacy participants of the Semillero de Investigación ciupupn Seed Research from work with forms of knowledge representation in an e-learning environment”
(dte- 356-13) developed by the Research Group Kenta of the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional as a contribution to the training of young teachers and researchers, able to recognize the importance of visual literacy in developing any investigative process, to deepen related skills the use, interpretation, appreciation and creating visual messages for communicating representations illustration troubleshooting or expression of positions critically.
To achieve this purpose, a methodology with a qualitative approach was used for the case study method, which allowed the description of a training process conducted from interaction with an e-learning environment in which young people from the Semillero ciup-upn addressed ten ways of representing knowledge and free software for production. The use of digital educational resources in the environment, allowing among other things, exploring and creating different types of knowledge representation, with the aim to motivate young study participants, initiate a process that enables them to move from being information consumers to producers, thus contributing both its projection as education professionals, and
strengthening research activities they undertake.

Author Biographies

John Alexander Montero Rojas, Mg., Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

Magíster en Tecnologías de la Información aplicadas a la Educación.

Sindy Paola Díaz Better, Mg., Secretaría de Educación del Distrito

Magíster en Tecnologías de la Información Aplicadas a la Educación.

Marisol Niño Ramos, Mg., Secretaría de Educación del Distrito

Magíster en Tecnologías de la Información Aplicadas a la Educación.

Cristian Fidel Rojas Montero, Mg., Multimedia Editorial San Pablo

Magíster en e-learning (uoc).


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How to Cite
Montero RojasJ. A., Díaz BetterS. P., RamosM. N., & Rojas MonteroC. F. (2016). Visual representations of knowledge in an e-learning environment. Revista Hojas Y Hablas, (12), 61-74. Retrieved from