Life and coexistence, generating social sensitivity through education

  • Carmen Esther Herrán Bocanegra
  • Alber Oswaldo Peña Moscoso
  • Piedad Dimas Sánchez
Keywords: Education, complexity, creativity, enactive learning, autopoiesis


This article proposes a reflection about life, education and coexistence; addressed, from the complexity, emphasizing the critical role of education in creating of social sensitivity. Likewise, arises the need to educate from and to uncertainty, due to the constant fluctuation and change of the dynamics of living beings. life is addressed, as the framework that sustains the world, perceiving life and learning as a single process. the fact that in the pleasant coexistence where the human race attains its maximum development; It is in the meeting between people through the conversation that we evolve. Finally raises the educational need to leave behind the hegemony of teaching, strengthening learning processes. This reflection is part of the research work by the rhizome Bachué in the course of “ educations biopedagogy features “, of the doctorate in education from the University of La Salle of Costa Rica.


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How to Cite
Herrán BocanegraC. E., Peña MoscosoA. O., & Dimas SánchezP. (2016). Life and coexistence, generating social sensitivity through education. Revista Hojas Y Hablas, (13), 27-38. Retrieved from