The pedagogical documentation, a chance to enrich the ac- tion and re"ection of teachers in training

  • María Isabel Barrandica Martínez
  • María Consuelo Martín Cardinal
Keywords: Pedagogical Documentation, practicum, teacher, teacher education, re


This  article presents an experience that took shape from the process of monitoring and evaluating the educational practicum carried out by the degree in Early Childhood Education students of the School of Education at Unimonserrate. The study allowed overcome some of the dificulties observed in the level of argument and grammatical quality of the written and reflective exercises conducted by them during the exercise of their practicum. To do this, changes in the ways to register and systematize their teaching work generated by adopting principles of pedagogical documentation, which allowed evidence teacher practices, with its success, dificulties, findings and everything which is part of the school everyday.
In the first part of this article, the relevance of adopting educational documentation as a structuring element of educational practicum is described, as it enables the re-signi#cance of the practicum itself. It is a re%ective exercise that can be carried out individually or collaboratively, projects the pedagogical action, and favors the confrontation between saying and doing. In addition, since these transcendental aspects of pedagogical work were not evidenced in the records prepared by the students, signi#cant theoretical documentation references were taken into account to transform registering ways, including particularly Malaguzzi (2001), Rinaldi (2011), Dimples (2006), Dahlberg, Moss, and Pence (2005) and contributions of research groups from the university of Illinois and Visible Learning project at Harvard university.
Thus, in the second part, a training path for documentation practices is proposed, which allows qualifying monitoring processes and incorporates new ways of systematization which, in turn, enable the production of knowledge from the educational action itself, which strengthens the communicative, reflective and proactive students’ skills.
Finally, the article proposes lines of action that enriches the educational practicum from the exercise of pedagogical documentation, which in turn involves the construction of the School of Education view on this matter.


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Rinaldi. C. (2011). Diálogo con Reggio Emilia. Lima: Norma.
How to Cite
Barrandica MartínezM. I., & Martín CardinalM. C. (2016). The pedagogical documentation, a chance to enrich the ac- tion and re"ection of teachers in training. Revista Hojas Y Hablas, (13), 179-191. Retrieved from

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