
  • Edgar Giovanni Rodríguez Cuberos, Mg.


Our times show public and private escenaries for the crative practice, the construction of ourself and the others.
To know well about it, it is very important to make a revision with a conviction, if it posible, of the creation of
emancipate imaginaries towards the banal culture but also for our own construction of a net world.
Remedios Zafra en Un cuarto propio conectado
Nowadays, an editorial project and a publication as in the case of a magazine, it is an efford that involves diferent people and institutional will, all of them convinced that this way of socialization of knowledge is that effective, inside a scientific and academic community, that they can deploy other forces that strengthen each one of the research works, for instance, the structure of network, dialogue communities or even nets of information that let people know about the last developments in each field of study.
Today, the digitalization of contents and the opening of formats of wide movement make easy the principles of divulgation and distribution of knowledge and they invite to reflect on the quality of the research done, the university autonomy, the science neutrality, sociology relationship and economy of science, research financing, opinions of the intelectual communities towards the central power/current knowing, the last evolution of the economical neoliberal model and its influence in the university and educative dynamics, as well as the monopoly of rankings between others.
According to Zafra (2011) it is more like to benefit the amancipate imagination, the one that permit that many novel researchers and experts can proposed new questions, talk about results, share with others in order to move the ground of a theory. On the other hand, we know that our present time demads from us as a researchers no only to trust in the promise of “the reading of our texts” but also the creation of other strategies closer to the audience who is looking for being not only be but also heard.
In this edition of Hojas y hablas, we favor the variety of topics with documents that have been a product of reflections that come from different projects and research institutions that go from peace narratives to family problems or even the design of learning environments. We look for an opening and diversity that reflects the variety and objective of Hojas y Hablas magazine to be a point of reference for diferent academics and intelectual people.
Finally, we use the metaphor of a bedroom conected in order to let our readers to distribute these Hojas (piece of papers) and they find an excuse to (hablar) talk to their collegues about knowledge, may be, taking the advantages of analogical and electronic nets, but always humanist that keeps away the stress of rankings and in an act of different connection, it recovers the feeling of reading that motivates and favor other social-critical questions.
On the other hand, we are pleased to inform our readers that starting from this 13th edition of this magazine, 2016, 5e Revista Hojas y Hablas, Hojas y hablas maganize, also it will be published in an electronic versión, so it can have a wider and effective visualization in the feld of a global academy.
You may find us in: http://virtual.fum.edu.co/publicaciones/index.php/hojasyhablas
Edgar Giovanni Rodríguez Cuberos
Coordinador de investigaciones
Escuela de Educación Unimonserrate
Editor (e)

How to Cite
Rodríguez CuberosE. G. (2016). Editorial. Revista Hojas Y Hablas, (13), 7-8. Retrieved from https://revistas.unimonserrate.edu.co/hojasyhablas/article/view/94