• Misceláneo
    No 24 (2023)

    Hojas y Hablas is an annual scientific publication that presents articles duly refereed on research and reflections that seek to contribute to the construction of an academic community interested in reflection and research in the fields of Social Sciences, Humanities and Pedagogics.

    Hojas y Hablas is indexed in Dialnet and in the Sociology Source Ultimate of EBSCOhost Research Databases, as well as being part of the directory and catalog of Latindex and Google Scholar.

    ISSN (Online): 2539-3375

  • Education for change and transformation of societies
    No 23 (2022)

    In this issue, the Hojas y Hablas Magazine opens its call to receive contributions where contributions are made from the educational area on the causal relationships, impacts and transversality of education as a vector of change and social transformation. It is expected to find a point where the human and social sciences, the administrative and economic sciences, and the engineering sciences converge between the academic dynamics facing the Educational Transformation

    Original and unpublished articles, results of research or in the process of research will be received in the call; of reflexion; review; case studies and book reviews.

  • The problems and challenges of Education in the 21st century
    No 22 (2022)

    Number 22.

    The purpose of this call is to disseminate articles that cover "the problems and challenges of Education in the 21st century" as elements of dissertation and analysis. The transdisciplinary fields of studies from Education are a pillar of interculturality in contexts of globalization, inclusion and dialogue. This number seeks to understand the ways of constructing the problem, the practices and logic of social realities in educational communities, companies and productive sectors. The Hojas y Hablas Magazine presents the opportunity to promote new places of enunciation to open the door to the critical study of Education, in the face of current crises; the different forms of violence; social inequalities; economic; policies; environmental and spiritual where the socio-critical approach is oriented to the service of people, the family and society, recognizing diversity and favoring inclusion (Unimonserrate, 2020).


  • Familia y Educación: diálogos interdisciplinares y estrategias emergentes para la atención.
    No 21 (2021)

    La Fundación Universitaria Monserrate –Unimonserrate-, presenta en este número experiencias significativas producto de procesos de investigación, que se constituyen como núcleos clave para la compresión desde un ámbito pragmático y también profundo de Estudios científicos en líneas de atención a Familias y el trasegar académico diverso de la educación familiar desde diálogos interdisciplinares y estrategias emergentes para la atención de sus fenómenos. 

  • Spirituality and evangelization
    No 20 (2020)

    La Fundación Universitaria Monserrate –Unimonserrate-, en la reflexión que va haciendo para concretar mejor sus horizontes de futuro insiste en grandes valores que, si bien, pueden tener una connotación muy humana y secular, se encuentran también en la raíz de toda espiritualidad: el servicio, la equidad, la solidaridad, la transparencia, yel compromiso social transformador. Es por esta razón que, se ha querido desde el Programa de Teología dedicar este número monográfico a este tema considerado de vital importancia para la vida de las comunidades cristianas que buscan en el ámbito académico apoyo y fundamentación para promover procesos evangelizadores con capacidad de transformación de las comunidades y de la sociedad en la que están insertas.

  • Apuestas por la interculturalidad
    No 19 (2020)

    In the contemporary circumstance, the question of interculturality is changing, because a er three decades of the Anglo-Saxon phenomenon of nancial globalization, we can talk about the end of globalization and the beginning of deglobalization. While neoconservatism is rising with new modalities of nationalisms, sovereig- ntisms, populisms and racisms that generate new wars for exclusive access to natural resources, many of them still are in the territories of the peoples and countries of the South.

  • Portada Company’s social sense, entrepreneurship and other challenges for enterprises
    No 18 (2019)

    Social responsibility, shared value, and other social initiatives are present at the strategic formulation of the companies. Nowadays, these characteristics have become recognized challenges and they are part of the DNA of all size enterprises. From this new perspective, where the need for sense and impact of the business are re- quired, the companies are not individual units -created exclusively for pro tability- if not they are recognized as a decisive actor in the social fabric. As a result, a social component has to be involved in business decisions beyond groups of interest that are looking for the success of their management.

    The national economic reality shows that the mean factor of business development is not constructed by large enterprises, exclusively. In Colombia, more than 90% of the companies have been small and medium-sized companies. at is the reason why a country that promotes, nances and legislates is required, in order to favour the entrepreneurship and success possibilities for entrepreneurs. When companies succeed in business sustainability, they contribute to strengthen the social fabric and solve critical problems in the economy as informality and unemployment. In conclusion, the authors of the present issue suggest that innovation and entrepreneurship are the mean challenges for the companies of all sectors.

  • Hojas y Hablas Journal - (july-december)
    No 16 (2018)

    Hojas y Hablas is a biannual research journal of the Fundación Universitaria Monserrate - Unimonserrate, that seeks to contribute to the construction of the knowledge of the academic community interested in reflecting and researching in education, communication and social sciences in general. It is arbitrated by academic peers and it is indexed in Dialnet and in the Sociology Source Ultimate of EBSCOhost Research Databases,
    It is part of the directory and catalog of Latindex and is in Google Scholar and in the Directory of Open Access Scholary Resources - ROAD

    . Use the 4.0 Creative Commons license; receives articles permanently in Spanish and English.

  • Revista Hojas y Hablas (january- june)
    No 15 (2018)

    Hojas y Hablas is a research journal that seeks to contribute to the construction of an academic community interested in reflection and research on pedagogy, language and social sciences.  It has a biannual periodicity, is refereed by academic peers, is part of the catalog and directory of Latindex and is indexed in the Sociology Source Ultimate of EBSCOhost Research Databases.

  • Revista Hojas y Hablas Hojas y Hablas Journal
    No 14 (2017)

    Hojas y Hablas is a research journal that seeks to contribute to the construction of an academic community, interested in reflection and research in pedagogy, language and social sciences. It has an annual periodicity, is refereed by peer reviewers, is part of the Directory and the Catalog of (Latindex), is in Google Scholar and is indexed in the Sociology Source Ultimate Research Databases of EBSCOhost.

  • Revista Hojas y Hablas No.13. Año 2016 Hojas y Hablas Journal
    No 13 (2016)

    Hojas y Hablas  is a journal of Research of the University Foundation Monserrate - Unimonserrate, whose purpose is to contribute to the construction of an academic community interested in reflection and research on pedagogy, language and social sciences in general. It has an annual periodicity, is refereed by academic peers and is indexed in Publindex - Colciencias in Category C and in Latindex.

  • Revista Hojas y Hablas Hojas y Hablas Journal
    No 11 (2014)

    Hojas y Hablas es una revista semestral de investigaciones que busca aportar a la construcción de una comunidad académica interesada en la reflexión e investigación en ciencias sociales. Es arbitrada por pares académicos, en modalidad doblemente ciego; está indexada en Dialnet y en el Sociology Source Ultimate de EBSCOhost Research Databases, hace parte del directorio y del catálogo de Latindex y está en Google Scholar y en el Directory of Open Access Scholary Resources - ROAD. Usa la licencia 4.0 de Creative Commons; recibe artículos permanentemente español e inglés.

  • Revista Hojas y Hablas Hojas y Hablas Journal
    No 12 (2015)

    Hojas y Hablas is an annual journal , refereed journal, whose purpose is to contribute to the construction of an academic community interested in reflection and research on pedagogy, language and social sciences in general, through the dissemination of the results of research carried out by Unimonserrate teachers and of other institutions of higher education nationally and internationally.

  • Revista Hojas y Hablas Hojas y Hablas Journal
    No 10 (2013)

    Hojas y Hablas es una revista semestral de investigaciones que busca aportar a la construcción de una comunidad académica interesada en la reflexión e investigación en ciencias sociales. Es arbitrada por pares académicos, en modalidad doblemente ciego; está indexada en Dialnet y en el Sociology Source Ultimate de EBSCOhost Research Databases, hace parte del directorio y del catálogo de Latindex y está en Google Scholar y en el Directory of Open Access Scholary Resources - ROAD. Usa la licencia 4.0 de Creative Commons; recibe artículos permanentemente español e inglés.

  • Revista Hojas y Hablas Hojas y Hablas Journal
    No 9 (2012)

    Hojas y Hablas es una revista semestral de investigaciones que busca aportar a la construcción de una comunidad académica interesada en la reflexión e investigación en ciencias sociales. Es arbitrada por pares académicos, en modalidad doblemente ciego; está indexada en Dialnet y en el Sociology Source Ultimate de EBSCOhost Research Databases, hace parte del directorio y del catálogo de Latindex y está en Google Scholar y en el Directory of Open Access Scholary Resources - ROAD. Usa la licencia 4.0 de Creative Commons; recibe artículos permanentemente español e inglés.