Apoyo curricular a niños con TDAH

Diana Lucia Ordoñez Muller, Alexandra Villamizar Ardila, Andrea Carrero Angarita

  • Editorial Universitaria Unimonserrate
Keywords: ADHD, education, neurodevelopment, curricular support, brain, attention


This article shows a series of proposals to support children with
ADHD in the curriculum, guiding them in the academic and social process within the classroom, with the aim that teachers of educational institutions who read this text have a broader vision to work with them and thus have better results in their academic process. Barkley (2011) defines it as "A developmental self-control disorder that includes problems maintaining attention and
controlling impulses and the level of activity, these problems are reflected in the deterioration of the children will or their ability to control their behavior over time and to keep the goals and
consequences in their minds", through the control of their behavior they want to achieve in the students to strengthen each of their skills and knowledge to obtain an adequate development in attention and self-control of behavior which allows to have better results in each stage, achieving significant learning that strengthens their needs and having an appropriate behavior with the other people who are in their environment.


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How to Cite
UnimonserrateE. U. (2023). Apoyo curricular a niños con TDAH. Revista Hojas Y Hablas, 1(24), 115-123. Retrieved from https://revistas.unimonserrate.edu.co/hojasyhablas/article/view/421

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