La apertura mental como aporte al bienestar psicológico del individuo

Mario Alejandro Haro Almerico

  • Editorial Universitaria Unimonserrate
Keywords: open-mindedness, optimal experience, positive psychology, virtue epistemology, flow


This article links two different fields of knowledge: positive psychology and the epistemology of virtues. To this end, it presents, on the one hand, what intellectual virtues are, where and how open-mindedness is inscribed, and, on the other hand, what positive psychology is and what psychological well-being is understood from this paradigm. A specific type of well-being will be explored: optimal experience or flow, which, according to positive psychology, is the highest possible experience of well-being. The study of intellectual virtues is carried out from the epistemology of virtues, considering that they enrich intellectual work. The mutual implications between these concepts are analysed, as well as the benefits derived from this relationship:
psychological flexibility, the emergence of a different type of thinking (more creative) and a greater breadth in the horizon of intellectual reflection, among others. It is concluded that the intellectual virtue of open-mindedness favours the psychological well-being of the individual. Similarly, optimal psychological well-being promotes conditions of open-mindedness. Finally, some final conclusions are drawn and necessary questions for future reflection on the subject are suggested.


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How to Cite
UnimonserrateE. U. (2023). La apertura mental como aporte al bienestar psicológico del individuo. Revista Hojas Y Hablas, 1(24), 49-60. Retrieved from

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