
Social responsibility, shared value, and other social initiatives are present at the strategic formulation of the companies. Nowadays, these characteristics have become recognized challenges and they are part of the DNA of all size enterprises. From this new perspective, where the need for sense and impact of the business are re- quired, the companies are not individual units -created exclusively for pro tability- if not they are recognized as a decisive actor in the social fabric. As a result, a social component has to be involved in business decisions beyond groups of interest that are looking for the success of their management.

The national economic reality shows that the mean factor of business development is not constructed by large enterprises, exclusively. In Colombia, more than 90% of the companies have been small and medium-sized companies. at is the reason why a country that promotes, nances and legislates is required, in order to favour the entrepreneurship and success possibilities for entrepreneurs. When companies succeed in business sustainability, they contribute to strengthen the social fabric and solve critical problems in the economy as informality and unemployment. In conclusion, the authors of the present issue suggest that innovation and entrepreneurship are the mean challenges for the companies of all sectors.

Published: 2019-12-11