Human development and human interactions in the intervention in Social Work

  • Editorial Universitaria Unimonserrate
Keywords: Human development, human interactions, Social Work.


The article presents the results of a collective construction of knowledge an exercise from reflection by p rofessors participating in the permanent seminar Theoretical Basis, Methodology and Practice of Social Work and Social Managment organized by  the Program Social Work of Fundacion Universitaria Monserrate  in Bogota, between 2010  and 2011, with  the German Seminar  as  research methodology, which aims to generate discussion about the profession of social work,  addressing the issue of human interactions  and  its  importance  for Social Workers  intervention. Three  categories were used: human development, human interactions and social work. For human development, the concept of Amartya Sen (2010) was a reference as a process of expanding the real freedoms that individuals enjoy. For human interactions, Habermas (Herrera, 2003, page 3.), Who considers that, in relationships, the attitude of the others is not sufficient, but must be supported in a more concrete relationship such as cooperation or competition. The concepts social action and interaction are addressed by  the problem of coordinating the action by at  least  two agents, between an  individual and  the professional. For  the concept Social Work,  the definition of  the  International Federation of Social Workers  - FITS-and  the  International Association of Schools of Social Work - IASSW -. Were reviewed.


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How to Cite
UnimonserrateE. U. (2016). Human development and human interactions in the intervention in Social Work. Revista Hojas Y Hablas, (9), 112-120. Retrieved from